Author: Pastor Noah Toney
This week Redemption Church looks forward to the Second Coming of Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Our world is inculcated with conflict and strife, but when Jesus returns, all wrongs will be made right, and He will put an end to all struggling and strife. This poem is a meditation of that great day.
At the advent of peace, the wicked shall fall
All oppressors merciless, without hope shall bawl
The murders violent, shall be vanquished
The great serpent watches, bound in anguish
At the advent of peace all strife shall end
For the tired, and weary, new beginnings begin.
Mighty men’s armies will be demolished
When the Mighty One returns, enmity abolished
At the advent of peace the King will return
All creation cries out, no longer to yearn
New people, new cities, break forth with one voice
Worthy is the King Jesus, your people rejoice.